Dylan Werkman
director writer editor cinematographer
Dylan Werkman (b. 1993) is a Dutch filmmaker working in the realm of fiction and constructed documentary. In Werkman’s documentary work, his gaze comes from his personal interests and focuses outwards. Meanwhile, his fiction work draws on his own experiences and operates from a gaze focused inward. Werkman’s curiosity lies in the intersection and correlation between both forms of narration, documentary, and fiction, which he is currently engaging while writing his debut feature film. Next to this, Werkman is also open for commissioned work as a director, cinematographer, and editor.
Zeven dagen alleen (2019)
2Doc’s 10 most watched films on the platform
A View from Above (2020)
NFF Tuschinski Award (winner), Odense IFF (winner), Full Frame, Raindance a.o.
The Last Waves of Eugène (2021)
NFF Golden Calve Award (selected), Cairo IFF (nominated), New Filmmakers LA
Images from Tuvalu (2024) (in post-production)
Pluto (2024) (in post-production)
Check out Vimeo for the latest projects.

︎ mail@dylanwerkman.com ︎ +31612487017